Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 1: Basics and Chicken Curry

  • Look at the map of India and understand the origins of regional cuisines and typical dishes.
  • Garam masala: Loose garam masala.
  • "Wet" spices: onion, garlic, ginger, chili, cilantro, curry leaves.
  • Chicken curry: Make basic chicken curry.
  • Meal: Chicken curry, rice, roti (store-bought).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I liked the meal. The things I would change are: I would add more spice, Use the powdered Garham Masla instead of the whole pieces, Maybe better/more chicken (also I don't love the dark meat). But it was still a good lunch!
    - Evan

  3. I wanted the kids to write up the recipe after we were done with the cooking. Zoe volunteered and sent me the following. I have only corrected the grammar [and added missing stuff]:

    4 cloves garlic
    The same amount ginger [same volume]
    4 or 5 tomatoes
    1 onion
    some cilantro
    frozen peas [1 lb bag]
    salt to taste
    [2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs cooked]
    [whole garam masala]

    We cooked rice. Then we put oil in a preheated pot. Then added some mustard seeds. After the seeds were done popping, we put in the diced onions. When the onions were browned, we added Garam Masala along with the ginger and garlic. We stirred that in and then added the tomatoes. [We] put the cover on and let it cook. (Now is a good time to put the peas in the microwave.) Then we mushed the tomatoes, and put in Coconut Milk. [Then] we put the lid on and brought it to a light boil. Next we added the cooked peas, cooked chicken and salt. We stirred it all together, let it simmer for a couple of minutes and served it on rice with roti on the side.

  4. I think it was pretty good. I do think it would have been better with more spices and more garlic. It would be better if we had more chicken. Oh, and I think it would be really good if we had ground up spices because I was biting into hard stuff that tasted really nasty!

    NIcholas Kram Mendelsohn

  5. I Liked it- The things I would change are cutting up the chicken in to bit size spices. Also using grounded up spices it was gross biting in to something that was really really hard.

    Zoe Stapp

  6. i cant think of anything that has not been said already definitely more garlic but thats only because i LOVE!!!!!!! garlic and white meat i think would be better

  7. I think that it was fine overall- I was fine with the whole spices, and I love dark meat chicken. I'm not a fan of too much spice, so this was good.
